Deno KV OAuth Implementation
Admin • November 15, 2023
A modular codebase is important because it makes code easier to understand, maintain, and test. It also makes it easier to reuse code in other projects.
We will create the implementation of Deno KV OAuth in Fastro.
Create Client ID and Client Secret
In this step, we will create Github Client ID and Client Secret.
- Navigate to GitHub Developer Settings: OAuth Apps and login to your Github account.
- Click the 'New Oauth App' button and fill in all the required fields.
- Save the client id and client secret
- We will use it as ENV:
Create OAauth Config
In this step, we will create oauthConfig
with custom redirectUri
import { createGitHubOAuthConfig } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_kv_oauth@v0.10.0/mod.ts";
const redirectUri = Deno.env.get("REDIRECT_URI") ??
: "http://localhost:8000/callback";
const oauthConfig = createGitHubOAuthConfig(
{ redirectUri, scope: ["user"] },
Create index handler
In this step, we will create an index handler. This is the interface for the user to sign in and sign out.
export async function indexHandler(req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) {
const sessionId = await getSessionId(req);
const hasSessionIdCookie = sessionId !== undefined;
const jsx = (
<title>Deno Kv OAuth Demo</title>
content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"
Authorization endpoint URI: {oauthConfig.authorizationEndpointUri}
<p>Token URI: {oauthConfig.tokenUri}</p>
<p>Scope: {oauthConfig.defaults?.scope}</p>
<p>Signed in: {JSON.stringify(hasSessionIdCookie)}</p>
? <a href="/signout">Sign out</a>
: <a href="/signin">Sign in</a>}
<a href="https://github.com/fastrodev/fastro/blob/preact/modules/auth.tsx">
Source code
return ctx.render(jsx);
Create signin, signout, and callback handler
In this step, we will create handlers for sign-in, sign-out, and callbacks,
which are imported from the deno_kv_oauth
export const signinHandler = async (req: Request) => {
return await signIn(req, oauthConfig);
async function getUser(accessToken: string) {
const response = await fetch("https://api.github.com/user", {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${accessToken}`,
const data = await response.json();
return data;
export const callbackHandler = async (req: HttpRequest) => {
try {
const { response, sessionId, tokens } = await handleCallback(
const user = await getUser(tokens.accessToken);
const kv = req.record["kv"] as Deno.Kv;
kv.set([sessionId], user, { expireIn: 60 * 60 * 1000 });
return response;
} catch {
return new Response(null, { status: STATUS_CODE.InternalServerError });
export const signoutHandler = async (req: HttpRequest) => {
const kv = req.record["kv"] as Deno.Kv;
await kv.delete([req.sessionId]);
return await signOut(req);
Group all paths and handlers into a single module
You can define custom paths and call each handler within a module in the following manner:
export const authModule = (f: Fastro) => {
return f.get("/auth", indexHandler)
.get("/signin", signinHandler)
.get("/callback", callbackHandler)
.get("/signout", signoutHandler);
Call the module
import fastro from "$fastro/mod.ts";
import { authModule } from "$fastro/modules/auth.tsx";
const f = new fastro();
await f.serve();
Setup your deno.json
"tasks": {
"start": "deno run -A --unstable examples/auth.tsx"
Run the app
And let's run the app with clientID and secret in the above step:
You can view the complete source code and demo of this module on this page: https://fastro.deno.dev/auth