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This is the final output of an internal benchmark run in github action on 9/8/2024, 2:51:37 PM. It consists of several simple applications for specific purpose. Each is then accessed by the OHA within 10s. The results are then sorted by the fastest.

You can find the benchmark script in this code: run.ts

Benchmark results

module rps % oha cmd
deno 57444 100% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
group 50543 88% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/api/user
raw_string 50362 88% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
string_response 50082 87% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
ctx_string 49274 86% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
params_query 49254 86% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/agus?title=lead
raw_json 40622 71% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
ctx_json 39472 69% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
app_middleware 36459 63% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
ctx_jsx 34740 60% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_sqlite 33085 58% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_mongo 29852 52% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_kv 22472 39% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/user?name=john
server_rendering 22085 38% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_redis 11311 20% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_mysql 11263 20% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
deno_postgres 11026 19% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
oauth 9649 17% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
route_middleware 8401 15% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000
markdown_middleware 8231 14% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/blog/hello
static_file_image 5833 10% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/static/favicon.ico
static_file_string 5359 9% oha -j --no-tui -z 10s http://localhost:8000/static/tailwind.css
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